
A directive for providing suggestions while typing into the field

Autocomplete allows for custom html templating in the dropdown and some properties are exposed on the local scope on each template instance, including:

Variable Type Details
$index Number iterator offset of the repeated element (0..length-1)
$first Boolean true if the repeated element is first in the iterator.
$middle Boolean true if the repeated element is between the first and last in the iterator.
$last Boolean true if the repeated element is last in the iterator.
$even Boolean true if the iterator position $index is even (otherwise false).
$odd Boolean true if the iterator position $index is odd (otherwise false).
item Object item object with value and label if label-key is set

To use custom templating

<mac-autocomplete mac-autocomplete-url="someUrl" ng-model="model">
  <span> {{item.label}} </span>

Template default to {{item.label}} if not defined

Name Type Description
ng-model String

Assignable angular expression to data-bind to (required)

mac-placeholder String

Placeholder text

mac-autocomplete-source Expression

Data to use. Source support multiple types:

  • Array: An array can be used for local data and there are two supported formats:
    • An array of strings: ["Item1", "Item2"]
    • An array of objects with mac-autocomplete-label key: [{name:"Item1"}, {name:"Item2"}]
  • String: Using a string as the source is the same as passing the variable into mac-autocomplete-url
  • Function: A callback when querying for data. The callback receive two arguments:
    • {String} Value currently in the text input
    • {Function} A response callback which expects a single argument, data to user. The data will be populated on the menu and the menu will adjust accordingly
mac-autocomplete-disabled Boolean

Boolean value if autocomplete should be disabled

mac-autocomplete-on-select function

Function called when user select on an item

  • selected - {Object} The item selected
mac-autocomplete-on-success function

function called on success ajax request

  • data - {Object} Data returned from the request
  • status - {Number} The status code of the response
  • header - {Object} Header of the response
mac-autocomplete-on-error function

Function called on ajax request error

  • data - {Object} Data returned from the request
  • status - {Number} The status code of the response
  • header - {Object} Header of the response
mac-autocomplete-label String

The label to display to the users (default "name")

mac-autocomplete-query String

The query parameter on GET command (default "q")

mac-autocomplete-delay Integer

Delay on fetching autocomplete data after keyup (default 800)

mac-menu-class Expr

Classes for mac-menu used by mac-autocomplete. For more info, check ngClass


Basic setup

  mac-autocomplete-source = "autocompleteUrl"
  mac-autocomplete-query = "q"
  mac-autocomplete-on-success = "onSuccess(data)"
  mac-placeholder = "'Autocomplete'"
  ng-model = "autocompleteQuery"

Example with autocomplete using source

  mac-autocomplete-source = "['hello', 'world']"
  mac-placeholder = "'Type something...'"
  ng-model = "autocompleteSourceQuery"