
Element directive to define the modal dialog. Modal content is transcluded into a modal template

Name Type Description
mac-modal-keyboard Boolean

Allow closing modal with keyboard (default false)

mac-modal-overlay-close Boolean

Allow closing modal when clicking on overlay (default false)

mac-modal-resize Boolean

Allow modal to resize on window resize event (default false)

mac-modal-topOffset Integer

Top offset when the modal is larger than window height (default 20)

mac-modal-open Expr

Callback when the modal is opened

mac-modal-before-show Expr

Callback before showing the modal

mac-modal-after-show Expr

Callback when modal is visible with CSS transitions completed

mac-modal-before-hide Expr

Callback before hiding the modal

mac-modal-after-hide Expr

Callback when modal is hidden from the user with CSS transitions completed

mac-modal-position Boolean

Calculate size and position with JS (default true)


Just another modal

<mac-modal id="test-modal" mac-modal-keyboard ng-cloak>
  <div class="mac-modal-content" ng-controller="modalController">
    <h1>Just another modal</h1>
<button mac-modal="test-modal">Show Modal</button>